Miner Gate

The RPCs You Need For The Next Level

Fuel your project with best-in-class RPCs. We equip you with the infrastructure you need to excel in your development and bring your ideas to reality.

A complete RPC platform, engineered for growth.

Unparalleled Support

We pride ourselves on providing the best developer experience in the industry. With our Layer1-exclusive focus, we've seen a wide range of problems, integrations and can help unblock any problem that you face.

Top-notch Performance

We have made a number of Layer1 specific optimizations at the lowest levels of the infrastructure stack to ensure you get the best possible performance you can imagine.

Robust Reliability

Put your mind at ease with ecosystem leading reliability and uptime so you never have to worry about anything but your business.

Leaders in Compression

We actively contribute to Layer1 Compression and Digital Asset Infrastructure spec and can help you with any integration.

Account Indexing

Our account indexing gives you the fastest getProgramAccounts calls in the ecosystem.

Revolutionary Archival SystemIndexed

We've developed proprietary systems to give you the fastest historical calls.

Miner Gate
